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Digital Marketing: Three Tips to Ensure Your Cold Emails Aren't Consider Spam

It's clear the importance digital marketing has for the majority of businesses in the world. Acquiring new clients isn't always an easy process, and it's necessary to reach out to and make new contacts to secure more work. There are different ways of doing this, such as phone, social media, in-person or email. The focus of this article is on the cold email approach and how you can ensure your messages aren't regularly considered spam.

1. Don't send generic email messages

One of the most prominent mistakes marketers make is sending generic messages. For example, they use a copy and paste message that they send to multiple targets. Of course, this approach is not tailored towards an individual clients' needs and simply assumes they have a broad set of requirements that could apply to any business in your sector.

If you have various service packages, you may want to offer a different one to each client depending on their needs. You also want to do some research and address the person by name whenever possible. The bottom line here is that each message you send should be unique and explicitly targeted to that individual client; your response rate will be so much higher if you do this.

2. Be clear who you are

Alongside spending specific messages and addressing a prospective client by name when possible, it's also crucial to be clear about who you are. Many people who are business owners get multiple messages every day in which there is a lack of clarity on this issue. The best advice is to use your domain name email address that states both your name and your position within the company.

If you also list your company website and any relevant social media links under your signature strip, then this all helps to develop trust. Think about this from the viewpoint of your prospective client; you are only going to want to pay for a product or service from someone once you are clear who they are and what business they represent. Also, if you use a webmail address or sign off only as a marketing manager without specifying your company, it suggests you are hiding something, which is never a good sign for business relationships.

3. Use common sense if you don't get a response

If you follow many of the essential rules when you are sending messages, that means you won't be identified as a spammer straight away, but you still need to be careful about any follow-ups. First of all, provide a reasonable amount of time for a response, so don't send another message 24 hours after the first.

One follow-up message a week or so after the first is usually acceptable, but any more than that and you may be identified as a spammer. Remember, not everyone you contact will be interested in your products or services, so don't get too attached to each prospective client.

Reaching out is an essential part of the process when looking for new business. There are a variety of ways of doing this, and sending cold emails is undoubtedly a popular one, but there is a right and wrong way of doing it. Remember to send specific and targeted messages, be clear who you are and use a degree of common sense when you don't get a response.

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